
Starting the game with scrambled pieces—is that even possible? It is if you're playing the crazy Chess960 variant!

Here's what you need to know about Chess960:

What Is Chess960?

Chess960 is a crazy chess variant where all the pieces start in an almost random position. It's the perfect game for those who don't want to learn opening theory because the pieces are rarely on the same initial squares between two games. In fact, the name Chess960 comes from the 960 possible starting positions this variant can have.

Chess960 is a chess variant.

No, you're not going crazy! This weird setup is one of the ways the game can begin in Chess960.

People also use the name Fischer Random to talk about this chess variant. GM Bobby Fischer was not the first person who thought about this type of game. However, he did create some of the rules regarding the pieces' initial position and helped make this game popular.


FIDE did not recognize some big Chess960 tournaments in the past, where GM Peter Svidler and GM Levon Aronian had great results. However, GM Wesley So became the first official FIDE Chess960 world champion in 2019 after the international federation organized its first tournament.

GM Wesley So won the first official Chess960 World Championship.

What Are The Rules For Chess960?

The rules for Chess960 are the same as regular chess, except for the way the pieces start. Here are the rules for placing the pieces:

Chess960 starting position.

Wrapping Up

You now know what Chess960 is, its rules, and how to set up each of its 960 initial positions. Now head over to our Lessons page to learn about essential chess concepts that will turn you into a chess wizard!


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