
Zugzwang is not only one of the weirdest words in chess, but it is also an important concept that you have to learn to become a better player!

Here is what you need to know about the zugzwang:

What Is Zugzwang?

Zugzwang is a German word that means "compulsion to move." It is a word that we use in chess when a player would rather pass their turn but they are not allowed to.

But why would someone want to let their opponent play twice, anyway? Wouldn't that make it harder for them to win?

It turns out that in a few situations, moving your pieces can actually be terrible! Let's take a look at an example. In the image below, it is White's turn.

Zugzwang in chess.

If White could simply give up their right to move, they would be a happy camper! They could just sit there forever with the king, and Black would never be able to promote their pawn or give checkmate.

But because White is forced to move, their life will not be that simple. They will have to move their king off the promotion square, and Black will win the game.

Since all of White's moves are bad, but they have to move anyway, we say that White is in zugzwang!

White is in zugzwang.


Why Is Zugzwang Important?

If you want to become a better chess player, you must understand zugzwang very well. Like we saw before, this idea can help you win a lot of games. It can also help you to draw a game if you are losing.

Let's learn about a situation when you have to use zugzwang in your favor. Look at the position below:

Be careful with the zugzwang!

Imagine you are playing as Black, and it is your turn to move. If you try to attack the white pawn from the d4-square, White can put you in zugzwang to win the game. The white king will protect the pawn, and you will be forced to move away from your own pawn, letting White capture it.

Black is in zugzwang.

If you remember the zugzwang idea, though, you can easily win the game! You just have to attack from the d3-square, and now White will be the one in zugzwang!

White is in zugzwang now!


Show Off Your Zugzwang Skills

Now that you know what zugzwang is, it is time for you to show off your abilities. Solve the puzzles below to prove you are a zugzwang ninja!

Puzzle 01: How can you put Black in zugzwang to promote your pawn and win the game?

Puzzle 02: Do you remember how you can win this position?

Puzzle 03: Let's move on to the real challenge! Can you win this endgame with White?

Wrapping Up

You now know what zugzwang is and how you can use it in your favor during a chess game. Head over to our Puzzles page to practice your zugzwang skills!


Zugzwang Video