King of Puzzles May Challenge!

It's back again! And this time, ChessKid's puzzle contest is coming to your country! Are you ready to win a 6-month ChessKid Gold Membership?

It's the King of Puzzles Challenge -- and this time, with a twist! You may remember 2020's King of Puzzles Challenge. This year, we're taking it international. 

So what's the deal with this challenge? We do this to see which ChessKids have become the best puzzle solvers on the site. This time, we want to see if you're the top solver from your country. We will determine one winner from each country!

Here's how it works: 

The competition will begin on May 1st, 2021 at 12AM Pacific, & it will end on May 15th at 11:59PM Pacific. That gives you 15 days to participate! Once the competition begins, solve 100 puzzles as fast as you can. Then, enter your information into the google form at the bottom of this article. 

If you are the first ChessKid from your country to solve 100 puzzles, you'll win a 6-month gold membership FREE! We'll check your account to verify your stats at the end of the challenge period. We will also verify you selected your country correct. ChessKids -- do NOT pick a country other than where you are participating from. If you do, you will be in violation of our fair play policies.

We'll also keep a record of the winner from each country, of course. Bookmark this page!


Argentina: CoolPoliteTurkey

Australia: TASWRSMohammadR 

Brazil: GoldBusyClock

Canada: PuzzlePlayer7

Dominican Republic: AlejandroAlberto

England: IcyGrandDuckling

Estonia: OldStrangeLeaf

Finland: GladLikeableCup

Germany: DryCoolBattle

Greece: OdyCodes

Guatemala: DavidPitan

India: AshwiniVishnupriyaB 

Iran: ElsaSalehi

Kazakhstan: ChessAvatar

Malaysia: Dahle

Mongolia: MiniFestiveDay

Netherlands: Bestmo-B-Casper

New Zealand: RitulSaurus

Nicaragua: Yesling22

Panama: BestFirstSong

Philippines: GoldFlashyPoppy

Spain: OddTerrificTiger

United Kingdom: SafeTwirlingLynx

United States: SamPBayAreaChess