Let's Celebrate National Chess Day!

ChessKid is pleased to celebrate National Chess Day! We want to share the joy of chess with all the world so we are unlocking our Gold features for a whole week! Unlimited lessons! Unlimited Puzzles! Unlimited Bots! Unlimited Videos for 7 days!

Starts October 8th!

CHESSKID UNLOCKED- Let everyone play!

Upgrade to Gold and Save!

In addition to unlocking FREE GOLD, we will be offering a special discount on one-year GOLD memberships to ChessKid.com. By using promo code UNLOCK2022, you can get $10 USD off, giving you unlimited access to tactics, lessons, videos and more for a year!

First annual "ChessKid National Chess Day" Tournament


Want to celebrate National Chess Day? If you do, then you might want to spend the day playing in our first annual "ChessKid National Chess Day" Tournament!  

To join, simply log in to your ChessKid account and make sure you're a part of the ChessKid Official Club. Click on ‘Play vs Kid’ and look for the "ChessKid National Chess Day" Tournament on the right side menu. Make sure to click on “JOIN”. 

Tournament Details

When: Saturday, October 8th at 8:00 am PT/ 11:00 am ET/ 4:00 pm UK/ 5:00 pm CET

Time Control: 6 Round Swiss System with a time control of 5min +3sec increment.

Prizes: The top 100 players in this event will receive three months of FREE Gold membership and the top 10 players will receive a full year of FREE Gold membership! 
Also, a new chess book for kids is being released on National Chess Day, by 
Victoria Winifred, called “The Princess, the Knight, and the Lost God: A Chess Story”. 25 lucky players will get a free Amazon gift card to receive a copy.

Fair Play

ChessKid expects that all children and their families will abide by the rules governing fair play. Both the child and the parent/guardian will have to agree to our fair play policies when registering for the event.

This is what will be agreed to upon registering for the event:

Technical Details

For any questions about the event, please email [email protected]

Hour of Chess Week starts on National Chess Day!

Looking for a great way to kick off your school's chess club this year? 'Hour of Chess Week' is back this fall, just in time to celebrate National Chess Day! Whether your school is meeting in person or virtually (or a combination), 'Hour of Chess Week' is a fun way to connect your students with each other and to the benefits of chess!

All schools taking part will go in the draw to win a main prize worth up to $5,000 USD (500 annual ChessKid Gold memberships) as well as three more prize packages of 20 ChessKid Gold memberships (a $700 USD value). Click here to see how to join.