Super Important Endgames: Lucena in 4 Steps


Welcome to pumpkin season! In lieu of a pumpkin-spice-whatever, discover how to win your rook and pawn endgames below.

This is tricky stuff, so pay attention! ChessKid Ellie wants to know how to reach a Philidor or Lucena endgame position. I'll break it down for you into four easy steps!

Before you read this article, please master the following:

OK, got it?

Your goal in the rook and pawn world is to achieve this position:

Things to note:

Let's see now what to do to promote! You wish you could move the king out of the way of the pawn, but he can't get out!

If he ever does, Black will check you until your teeth start grinding and you get a headache.

So do this:

1. Push the king another file away.

2. Build a bridge! (This is a weird metaphor for a really cool rook move.)

Did you see that? The rook just plopped down on the 4th rank. What's the deal? He's going to break the check routine, and it's called a "bridge."

Black can wait till your king comes out, then start checking!

3. Zigzag your king behind the pawn in the same file.

4. Use your rook to complete the bridge!

Awesome! Do you see why it's so important that the opposing king be TWO files away?!

Once you promote, you should by instinct know the queen dance.