Video Series: Opening Play

Opening Play

The basic rules to the opening phase of the game! This is the place to start learning about opening strategy for any player who already knows the rules of the game, as well as some of the common opening traps and blunders to watch out for.

Phases of a Chess Game

FM Mike Klein teaches you the three phases of chess: the opening, the middlegame, and the endgame. Learn what you should do in each phase.

First Moves, Part 1

The fundamentals behind the ideas of good openings.

First Moves, Part 2

Learn how to bring your pieces out in the correct order and to the correct squares.

Quick Mates & Traps

FM Mike Klein shows you some quick traps and mates to look for in your games.


A "gambit" is like an early gamble. You give up a pawn (or sometimes more) in return for something like a lead in development, more space, or to create weaknesses in the opponent's position.

Advanced Opening Principles, Part 1

It's important to get started on the right foot! Learn the principles to get you started in the opening like a master.

Advanced Opening Principles, Part 2

Three big-time examples of how to open, and how not to open a chess game!

Important Opening Traps

Nobody likes to lose a game before it even starts. And who doesn't want to win quickly? That's why its important to learn the common opening traps.