How to Mate with a Bishop and Knight: Ask Coach Jessica!
So, you want to know how to mate with a bishop and knight, eh? This question has been asked repeatedly over the last year, so I thought I'd finally broach it!
My reluctance has been, frankly, because it's a hard, multi-step checkmate, if you mess up you will likely get a draw by the 50-move rule anyway. It's also not super practical (happens once every 6000 games or so).
However, it does show you some important patterns and ways the king is useful in the endgame, and how the bishop and knight can work together.
Not many people know how to force this amazing mate! Pretty soon, you'll be able to do it blindfolded.
So for Sieun, SnowBunny, Ellie, KQRBNP, Awesome Flyer and everyone else who'd like to know, here's how to do it.
First! You should know there are different ways to achieve this checkmate, and two main patterns. I like both, but I think it's easier to describe the knight's W (or M). So that's what you'll learn here. (The other pattern forces the king into ever-smaller triangles -- very cool geometry.)
This article will only cover ONE starting position and ONE method. Consider yourself introduced!

Here is your starting position.
In another article, I may show you how to force this position, but for now, here the king is in the "wrong corner."
In order to checkmate him, the king must be in the same color corner as your bishop. Therefore, your job is to make the king go to h8! Watch the knight hop around and make a W shape.
You start by pushing the king away from a8. Then, the knight begins his W journey. Remember, I'm only going to show one variation today. The black king will try to stay away from the dark-squared corner.
What do you think you should do now? The king and knight have done a lot of work and pushed the black king halfway across the board, despite Black's efforts to stay closer to the light corner.
See how your bishop and knight are on the same color square? That's good! That means they attack different colors

and can trap the king better.
Force him to the dark side...

And then use your knight to make the next V needed to create a complete letter W. The king will help --
opposition will keep your opponent stuck on the
back rank.
OMG you forced him into the corner you wanted him in!
Now it's time to checkmate like a champ!
The knight would like to give a check without getting in the way of the bishop's final mate. Hm...mate in three!!
Now you try!
You are now knight and bishop masters. Sensei!