5 Ways to Defend and Win


It's important to attack -- that's how you're going to make checkmate! But you also need to balance your understanding of attack with defense.

Here are the five things you can do if someone is attacking you. 


1. Guard your pieces with tempo!

Does that sound too obvious? Well, on occasion we forget the simple things. If you can do two things at the same time, gaining a tempo we say, you are probably making a good move.

In this position, best is to defend the queen (other than with the king) and continue with our development, rather than going to capture their queen. (That gives Black the open file for the rook!)

2. Run away, to a better square!
I don't usually recommend retreating, but sometimes you have to. If you need to move a piece, try putting it in a more active position.
Here, Adams has made the brilliant move Nxd5. If the knight is captured, White can play e6! This skewers the queen to the rook via a discovery! Topalov finds a good place for the queen, offering a trade instead.
(Adams doesn't take it -- and ends up winning. Click to see the whole game!)
3. Capture them first!

This is an aggressive method of defense. If they don't have that many pieces, their attack can't be that strong! Sometimes it's better to maintain the pressure, and other times it's good to capture. 
Menchik, the first women's world champion, has to be careful not to get back-ranked here. Should she simply trade queens? Make luft? Watch. She has better!
4. Counterattack!
You have to calculate carefully when you counterattack. It is dangerous, but fun!
In this position, two young superstars are playing. Giri has just pushed f6 to try to get rid of the well-placed knight. Instead of trading or running away, Caruana finds this beauty!
5. Make a prophylactic move -- prevent the attack!

Prophylaxis means to prevent. If you stop their attack before it starts, you have nothing to worry about!
Paul Morphy has the most perfect example. After Paulsen plays c3, it's clear he'd like to play d4. His pawn move indicates his plan, and Morphy squelches it!
Remember to balance offense with defense!