CM Aaron Mendes Wins 2023 ChessKid YSCC

CM Aaron Mendes of Canada has won the 2023 ChessKid Youth Speed Chess Championship, prevailing over the skilled Antoni Radzimski of Poland with a score of 9.5 to 5.5 in the final match. Both players advanced to the final after some exciting finishes, with Aaron presenting some standout performances throughout the tournament.

Check out the video of the full event here!

Prior to the finals, Aaron proved himself worthy of his spot, having scored 18.5-11.5 in total against his opponents in the quarter- and semi-finals. Antoni, despite some very strong competition, also pulled past his opponents, winning his matches within one and two points against some of the strongest players in the tournament. This was going to be a match for the record books!

A long-fought first game with a G5+1 time control ended in a draw, proving the neck-and-neck skill and ferocity of both players. Aaron then won the next three games in a row, pulling the lead as far as he could. A tradeoff of one win each occurred, before Antoni showed off his endgame skills and won the next two games in a row, keeping the lead within one point.

The G3+1 time control proved itself to be challenging for both players, but they adjusted to the speed. Aaron was able to keep the endgames to a minimum and play a primarily tactical game, allowing him to sneak past Antoni and pull his lead to four points.

But, Antoni was able to fight hard and win the next two games, showing his tactical skills during time pressure.

Antoni sacrificed his rook for a bishop to weaken Aaron's king, and checkmated Aaron a few moves later in the middle of the board. But, it wasn't enough, and after a trade of wins, Aaron was able to maintain his lead and ultimately win the event. 

FM Mike Klein (FunMasterMike), IM David Pruess (PlayfulSquirrel) and WFM Kinga Polak (NinjaQueen) were the commentators for this YSCC, and interviewed Aaron at the conclusion of the event. 

After a recent 100+ point increase in his FIDE rating and a new peak of 2250, Aaron's road to FM just became a lot shorter! Aaron says that he plans to give his prize from the event to his friends.

Aaron won $1,000 in the final (total tournament winnings: $1800 plus a lesson with a GM).

Antoni won $500 in the final (total tournament winnings: $1300).

We hope you enjoyed the 2023 ChessKid Youth Speed Chess Championship!